About WaPT

War and Peace Talk was set up in the summer of 2013 to make perspectives on complex conflict situations such as the one in Syria more understandable for a young lay audience by providing attractive video interviews. These interviews strike a new balance between content and accessibility. They seek to do justice to the complexity of the subject matter, while avoiding unnecessary jargon.

BrunoBruno Braak, editor-in-chief: “I live in Amsterdam. The Netherlands is a peaceful place by any standard. But like all places these days it is intrinsically connected to areas of the world that are not as peaceful. Be it by trade, aid or migration, we are connected. This realization of connectedness and the tremendous possibilities of new media have inspired me to start up this blog, War and Peace Talk. I graduated in Peace and Conflict Studies (MLitt) at St Andrews University and in Cultural Anthropology (BA) at Leiden University. During my studies I completed internships with the Netherlands embassy in Sudan, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael, and Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad. Currently I work with Leiden University as a junior researcher in the Law School.” 

JosiJosefine Ulbrich, video journalist: “I was born in Berlin and live in Amsterdam. I believe that video journalism is one of the most powerful means to bring conflict-afflicted societies, their change-makers, scholars and victims, to the attention of a global audience. Like Bruno, I graduated from the University of St Andrews with an MLitt in Peace and Conflict Studies. I obtained my BA in North American Studies from the Free University Berlin and a Diploma in American Studies from Smith College. Aside from working on War and Peace Talk, I have previously worked in anti-corruption mainstreaming in Kabul, for United Nations Volunteers in Kazakhstan, and in online and tv journalism.”

The War and Peace Talk-logo was designed by good friend and promising young Brazilian designer Gustavo Ferraz.

If you want to contribute: please get in touch. We can use your help!